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dantespeak.com Questions

#3 - Theory and Terms
Theory of Volcano Creation
Volcanoes are not distributed in a pattern on the earth, and most are located on the edges of continents. In fact, 80% of the volcanoes on the earth above sea level are in the Pacific Ocean's "Ring of Fire". Volcanoes occur when tectonic plates converge on one another. Other volcanoes located inside the plates are known as hot spots.

Process of Volcano Creation
Volcanoes begin as magma, and magma results from the extreme heat from the interior of the earth. Sometimes this heat melts away some of the crust, which causes gas. This gas filled magma rises toward the earth's surface because it is lighter than the rock around it. As more of the gas rises, it melts a gap in the crust. This is the reservoir from which the volcano will erupt. This gas is under pressure from the rock, which sometimes causes the gas to break a conduit to the surface. When the magma reaches the surface through the conduit, it releases the gas first, then the magma. The magma makes a mountain-like structure which may lay dormant for many years.

#4 - 5 Interesting Volcano Facts
  1. Eruptions can release 6 million times greater energy than an atomic bomb.
  2. Pyroclastic flows can reach speeds up to 100 miles per hour.
  3. Lava can flow up to 60 miles per hour.
  4. There are 1500 known active volcanoes around the world, with 8 to 10 eruptions occuring at any given moment.
  5. An eruption can affect temperatures halfway around the world.

#7 - The Stromboli Project

Source (Dante's Peak)
Copyright 1998 Leatherman and Hofker Enterprises